Archive for the 'Art Blog' Category


Using Tempera Paint and Heavy Paper to Practice

In a workshop I attended (which I have mentioned before), we used tempera paint on heavy stock paper.  There was a good assortment of colors.  I decided to go out and get some tempera paint and work on it at home for practice.  I have 15 colors.  I am using Bristol heavy stock paper which is about $30 for 20 sheets.  The paints are about $4 each.  It’s a great way to experiment and for me, it feels less binding than having a canvas in front of me.  Even though I can always paint over a canvas, the pressure is still there.  Sometimes the colors I use require that I paint over the canvas in black paint, and I have more of a difficult time figuring out which colors to use on a black background.  Do you find this to be the case too?  So anyway, with the paper I can start moving in one direction and totally change it using “creative destruction,” a technique I was taught at the workshop in lieu of just throwing the paper away.  It’s a great experiment and I highly recommend it for those of you who don’t have the luxury of buying or making an endless supply of canvases.


My First Commission!

Once I had let go completely, I received my first commission.  A friend posted a link to my web site on her Facebook wall, and someone bought one painting and commissioned me for two more.  I was paid double what I had received for a painting yet.  Very exciting.  It’s great when you allow the universe to unravel.



Challenges with Using House Paint

I think the greatest challenge I have encountered are the colors.  I have been blessed with having 15 or more colors to choose from, but only one of which is very dark.  I’ve found that even when mixed with plaster that these light colors tend to drown each other out and not have the desired effect.  I have put an advertisement on both craigslist and FreeCycle seeking more dark colors.  The blood red paint I had received a while back is still a treasured find.

I would love to hear how you have gotten around this obstacle and found colors that don’t tend to wash each other out.




The Painting Experience – A Workshop

I am taking a three-day workshop on how to focus on the process, rather than the product, of painting.  We are using tempera paints and thick paper.  These materials were chosen for a reason; it facilitates staying in the moment because the paint dries so quickly.  I find this both liberating as well as a hinderance.  I like to use my hands.  While I am still doing so, I have to quickly jump on a blob of paint to move it around.  The paints are situated on tables, 20 colors with accompanying water cups.  We are given 4 brushes of varying sizes and given access to a large brush.  I found a place on a tripod where no one except those intentionally walking by and the instructors can see my work.  This takes the pressure off.  I have glanced around at other people’s work and have seen some that I consider “better,” but surprisingly this has not deterred me or made me feel inferior.  I have been pretty indifferent to the product.  That is huge for me.

I encourage you to check out the workshop information.  The accompanying book is entitled Life, Paint and Passion:  Reclaiming the Magic of Spontaneous Expression.  It tends to hit the same point over and over, but apparently that is what is needed.  It helped me.




What You Put Out There Does Come Back

I have been trying to focus less on how much I sell and more on the process.

The result, recently, was selling 6 paintings in one day to two separate buyers.

I have spent a lot of time whining and asking, “Why can’t I sell like so-and-so?” instead of just enjoying painting itself.  I enjoy painting.  It makes me happy.  I have been wasting time defining success by the number of pieces I sell and for how much (and driving myself crazy in the process).  I had gotten away from the joy of just creating and liking (or not – LOL) something I created.  I was speaking to someone at an art reception a couple of weeks ago and she asked me how I defined success.  She suggested that perhaps success meant finding something I love to do.  So simple, but it hit me like a ton of bricks.  Wow – there are some people who can’t find their hobby or their creative side, and I get to do both!  Duh.

Speaking of process, I am attending a workshop here in Asheville called The Painting Experience.  I encourage you to check it out.  It’s all about process, and not at all about product or how, or even if, you get there.  There is a corresponding book that is really great called Life, Paint and Passion:  Reclaiming the Magic of Spontaneous Expression.  It’s really good, and I encourage you to read it if you would like to learn more about freeing yourself creatively.

I wish you many rewards on the road to self expression.



Trying Something New Pays Off

Remember the house paint I mentioned?  I decided to use it on a canvas covered with joint compound to give it teeth. I made swirls, mixing colors together. I wasn’t sure how it would turn out or whether or not it would sell. I focused on the process and I had fun. I decided to bring it to a small craft show at the last minute and it sold! I encourage experimentation – you never know where it will lead!



Using House Paint for Art

I have been experimenting with house paint to explore new techniques.  I put an ad on craigslist and on freecycle asking for paint, and got several colors.  Then I asked for dark red house paint and got 5 gallons of blood red paint.  Before I got the blood red paint, I got a 30 x 30 canvas, put it on a table, and used the house paint to make “swirls” of color.  It has a psychedelic effect.  I am going to name it “A River Ran Through Me” because there is blue paint in the middle that looks like a river.  There are about 3 layers of paint so it is going to take a long time to dry (it’s already been 4 days.)  I didn’t focus on the end result, I focused on the process, which is hard for me to do.  Also, I am used to painting on a wall.  My next project will be to paint a 48 x 48 on the floor.  I have some Golden paints a successful friend has given me, and he is going to give me refills, so I need to use up the jars!  Some are near empty anyway.  Should be an interesting project.  I will use my hands.  Not sure if I will use latex gloves or my hands.  I like feeling the paint, but it does cause a lot of problems with getting it out from under my fingernails.

What project(s) are you working on?  I would love to hear about them.  My roommate is picking up a new creative outlet – silk roving.  She is awesome at mixed media so I can’t wait to see what she comes up with.

I am working on Issue 1 of my newsletter, to come out next week, I hope.




Just Do It

I decided to schedule in some painting yesterday.  I used house paint and a totally different technique than I have used before.  I have needed to step outside of the box for some time.  I have a few times, and the results have been better than using my same old formula.  I am happy with the results – I think – but I have to wait until it dries and it has lots of layers.  House paint can be hard to use.  I have tried the wet-on-wet technique and came up with a clusterfuck.  Excuse my language.

Do any of you have the dilemma of not getting the right exposure?  I can’t afford “rental” galleries right now and am going to try to get an agent who just takes commission and does not charge to evaluate your work.  I have participated in “art shows” where people are more focused on getting drunk and listening to music than buying art.  LOL.

Do any of you get wrapped up in needing validation and attention before you think you are doing the right thing?  I struggle with wanting a calling and whether this is just meant to be a hobby.  You can read a feature about me in the publication Out in Asheville.

I welcome constructive criticism.  My art web site, to beat a dead horse, is  I welcome your opinion or anything else you have to say.  Thanks for considering it, in advance.  I also wish more people would sign up for my newsletter.  [You can sign up at the bottom of my art site home page.]  I am about to finish it and would love to share my experience as well as features such as Abstract Artist of the Month – including contemporary as well as past artists of the movement.

Oh, I also have a web site where you can learn more about me as a person:

Well, thanks for reading.  Peace.



Struggling for My Motivation

I have been struggling to get motivated as of recent months.  I think it’s a combination of getting caught up in Facebook, email, a tiny bit of work, and to dos.  I used to be compelled to paint, now I schedule it in now and then.  Online activity is probably the greatest offender, though I do schedule to dos every day.  I wish I had a day to just paint and do nothing else.  I need more fun in my life.  I need to get active in a group or something.  I have one in mind – an Art Advocay group.  They meet once a month.  I also need to step up my work a notch and get an agent.  That’s something I haven’t tried before.

Have you ever had a grape cigar?  I love them.  I quit smoking 3.5 months ago.  Now when I get the urge, I smoke a cigar.  What does this have to do with painting?  Nothing.

I started a newsletter.  Please sign up on the home page of my art web site at if you are interested.

Ciao for now.


May 2024