Archive for August, 2009


The Painting Experience – A Workshop

I am taking a three-day workshop on how to focus on the process, rather than the product, of painting.  We are using tempera paints and thick paper.  These materials were chosen for a reason; it facilitates staying in the moment because the paint dries so quickly.  I find this both liberating as well as a hinderance.  I like to use my hands.  While I am still doing so, I have to quickly jump on a blob of paint to move it around.  The paints are situated on tables, 20 colors with accompanying water cups.  We are given 4 brushes of varying sizes and given access to a large brush.  I found a place on a tripod where no one except those intentionally walking by and the instructors can see my work.  This takes the pressure off.  I have glanced around at other people’s work and have seen some that I consider “better,” but surprisingly this has not deterred me or made me feel inferior.  I have been pretty indifferent to the product.  That is huge for me.

I encourage you to check out the workshop information.  The accompanying book is entitled Life, Paint and Passion:  Reclaiming the Magic of Spontaneous Expression.  It tends to hit the same point over and over, but apparently that is what is needed.  It helped me.




What You Put Out There Does Come Back

I have been trying to focus less on how much I sell and more on the process.

The result, recently, was selling 6 paintings in one day to two separate buyers.

I have spent a lot of time whining and asking, “Why can’t I sell like so-and-so?” instead of just enjoying painting itself.  I enjoy painting.  It makes me happy.  I have been wasting time defining success by the number of pieces I sell and for how much (and driving myself crazy in the process).  I had gotten away from the joy of just creating and liking (or not – LOL) something I created.  I was speaking to someone at an art reception a couple of weeks ago and she asked me how I defined success.  She suggested that perhaps success meant finding something I love to do.  So simple, but it hit me like a ton of bricks.  Wow – there are some people who can’t find their hobby or their creative side, and I get to do both!  Duh.

Speaking of process, I am attending a workshop here in Asheville called The Painting Experience.  I encourage you to check it out.  It’s all about process, and not at all about product or how, or even if, you get there.  There is a corresponding book that is really great called Life, Paint and Passion:  Reclaiming the Magic of Spontaneous Expression.  It’s really good, and I encourage you to read it if you would like to learn more about freeing yourself creatively.

I wish you many rewards on the road to self expression.



Trying Something New Pays Off

Remember the house paint I mentioned?  I decided to use it on a canvas covered with joint compound to give it teeth. I made swirls, mixing colors together. I wasn’t sure how it would turn out or whether or not it would sell. I focused on the process and I had fun. I decided to bring it to a small craft show at the last minute and it sold! I encourage experimentation – you never know where it will lead!


August 2009